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Podcasting books

May 13, 2009


It never ceases to amaze me what you discover out there in the Cyber World. My latest discovery, and feeling a bit behind the times on this one, is podiobook.  The audio I have listend to so far is of good quality. well worth a look.

“The term podiobook was coined by Evo Terra to describe serialized audiobooks which are distributed via RSS, much like a podcast. Listeners to can choose to receive the episodes of their books via an RSS feed or by listening to episodes by directly downloading episodes from this site. Some listeners keep the audio files on their computers, some transfer the book to CD, but most transfer the file on to their MP3 player so they can listen no matter where they are.

Why are authors making these versions available for free? Many authors do this to get exposure for their work, others do it in the hopes you’ll buy a physical copy of their current or perhaps next work in development. Still others simply do it for the sheer joy of writing. And while it’s not required, you have the option to donate money to the author of your choice. When you consider that audio books run usually twice as much as their hardcover counterparts… we hope you’ll be generous. Authors receive 75% of all the proceeds from the donations from listeners. The smaller portion goes to the maintenance and upkeep of”

Heres a New Zealand author’s podiobook. 🙂 

Weather Child by Philippa Ballantine

“New Zealand’s first podiobook author, Philippa Ballantine, brings her first tale set totally in homeland. Step back in time and sideways into an alternate world, where magicians and seraphim are found only on the shores of the Long White Cloud. Between two world wars, Jack and Faith find themselves unravelling a conspiracy to turn the Awakened children of Aoteroa to dark purposes.”

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